[口コミ] パナソニック LUMIX DC-S5M2 ボディ ミラーレス一眼のレビュー・評価・評判一覧
パナソニック LUMIX DC-S5M2 ボディ ミラーレス一眼のリアルな口コミ一覧。使用感や効果、メリット・デメリットなど実際に使ったユーザーの評価、評判、体験レビューをチェックできます。良い評判・悪い評判も紹介しているので買うべき・借りるべきかを判断したい時にも参考になります。
Chris Q.様からの口コミ
商品レビュー 5.0
- 性能に満足しました
- 操作が簡単でした
- コスパが良かったです
- デザインが良かったです
The Panasonic S5ii has been easy to use. I am a beginner, so I set the camera on automatic everything. The photos have come back beautiful and so has the video. I was impressed at the low light capability of the video in a not so well lit room. I use the camera with a wireless mic and receiver plugged into the mic input. Everything worked well. One reason I am renting the Panasonic is that I can change the menu language to English. On Sony cameras made for the Japan market, I cannot do that. I updated the S5ii to the lates update, and the autofocus has been great. Talking heads have been in focus. Other qualities of the camera are also impressive, but I don't know how to use them. I'm watching tutorials, though, and hope to learn. I am very happy with this Panasonic S5ii. It is heavy compared to my Insta360 OneR action camera. If I'm vlogging and walking around shooting myself while walking, I think I'll stick with the smaller camera on a selfie stick. Otherwise, the S5ii is great for everything else. About the lenses. I I rented a Sigma 28-70. It has been great, but I would have preferred to rent a Lumix 18mm for wide shots, vlogging, and indoor work. I would have combined that with a Lumix 28-200mm for outside work. If not the 28-200, I might have gone for a Lumix 100mm for nice bokeh and for macro. The Sigma 28-70mm f/2.8 has been good, however. Everything I shoot looks good.
レンタル体験レビュー 5.0
- 予約が簡単でした
- 梱包が丁寧でした
- 商品がキレイでした
- 返却が簡単でした
- 対応が親切でした
- また使いたいです
At first, I rented the Sony ZV-E10, and I was happy with the service. The camera came in beautiful condition. The camera was easy to rent and easy to return. The staff was helpful and friendly. This time, I'm doing a long term rental of the Panasonic S5ii and a Sigma 28-70. The rental is for work and paid through work. I am happy with the condition of both items and use them often. My only thing I would wish different is a wider L mount lens choice. If I had a choice, I would have picked a Lumix 18mm for wide shots, vlogging, and indoor work. I would have combined that with a Lumix 28-200mm for outside work. If not the 28-200, I might have gone for a Lumix 100mm for nice bokeh and for macro. The Sigma 28-70mm has been good, however. Thank you, Rentio.